Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Here's a clever bit of activism that has been going on in Germany for the past year...

Police hoping to red-flag 'poo pranksters'

Monday, January 17, 2005

The word "bizarre" has been a favorite of mine since I learned a bit about the Basques. The origins of this word are usually attributed to the French but in actuality, it appears to be a Basque word. The Basques original language is one of the most bizarre in the world, having no obvious origins. From what I've read, they themselves believe they got their language directly from God.

So it may follow that I appreciate the comic Bizarro. I recently discovered that within each Bizarro cartoon there are subliminal symbols. So I went to the Bizarro website to find out more about them. The only question I have is why the stick of dynamite isn't included in this section.

Check out